Immigration Trends of Foreign Residents
Highly Skilled Professional (ⅰ) (c)
“Highly Skilled Professional (ⅰ) (c)” is a work qualification that allows engagement in management of trade or other businesses in an organization designated by the Minister of Justice or personal management of a related business. The period can be 5 years.
Numbers of residents from China and the United States are trending at high levels. However, a considerable number from Australia also hold this status, whereas for Highly Skilled Professionals 1A and 1B, the number from Australia is not as noticeable. This might be related to Australia’s position as the third largest import destination for Japan, after China and the United States. In fact, Japan has a complementary relationship with Australia, importing energy and mineral resources and exporting automobiles and processed products; this relationship is deep, with the two countries having concluded an economic partnership agreement.