This page introduces the map database in “Permanent Resident.” For other “statuses of residence”, please refer to the following pages (links). You can also access it from the sidebar on the left.
Link to “Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident”
Link to “Long-Term Resident”
Link to “Spouse or Child of Japanese National”

Permanent resident

Unlike other statuses, “Permanent Resident” is characterized by the fact that there are no restrictions on either the period of stay or the duration of stay in Japan. Therefore, it is easier to work than other statuses of residence, but the conditions to qualify are strict: in principle, a permanent resident must have lived in Japan for at least 10 years, and as additional requirements, (1) have good conduct, (2) own sufficient assets or have skills to earn an independent living, and (3) his/her permanent resident is deemed to contribute to the interest of Japan.
Given these conditions, the following is an overview of the characteristics seen on the map. Japan had consistently higher numbers of Chinese, South Korean, Filipino, and U.S. nationals entering and leaving Japan compared to other nationals from 2006 to 2020. Brazilian and Peruvian nationals also keep high numbers of entry to and leaving from Japan, but the rate of increase has been moderate compared to the aforementioned countries. On the other hand, Vietnamese and Thai nationals have shown a sharp increase in the number of people entering the country through 2019.

2006 – 13

2014 – 20

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