Intra-company Transferee

The “Intra-company Transferee” residence status allows employees of public and private institutions with head offices and branches in Japan to transfer to a business office in Japan for a set period of time. However, among the activities conducted at the business office, those with skills or knowledge in science, engineering, or other natural sciences fall under the “Technical” status; those whose institution requires knowledge in law, sociology, economics, or other humanities fall under the “Specialist in Humanities/International Services” status. For “intra-company transfer,” the period of stay can be 3 months, 1 year, 3 years, or 5 years.
Numbers of people entering and leaving Japan is consistently high from China and India, both close to Japan with large populations, as well as from the United States, an ally of Japan, and the United Kingdom, France, and Germany in Europe. However, while the number of Americans is decreasing annually, the number is increasing in neighboring Asian countries such as China and India.
Furthermore, while France, Australia, and Germany have stable numbers in the four-digit range regardless of year, the United Kingdom, like the United States, is declining annually.



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